I am battling a bit of myself
killing off some good
some bad
bits of this and that
A Generals words can have men killed
conjour the mythic gods of war
allow them to inhabit the faithful
My words of violence and war played up the magic of the recruiters spiel
Christoper Hitchens is right
not all blood is shed in vain
no, not all blood...
and until war is obsolete, this will be so
there are causes worth fighting for
causes worth going broke for
fights where the honorable make their stands
we need total war for total peace
the big three and others of power need to band together
tame the lands where the ruthless criminals reign
we must patrol the seas where the pirates roam
take our places as the protectors of mankind
not our natiolality
our nationalities will mean less and less
as we grow to know one another as equals
A Generals words can have men killed
conjour the mythic gods of war
allow them to inhabit the faithful
My words of violence and war played up the magic of the recruiters spiel
Christoper Hitchens is right
not all blood is shed in vain
no, not all blood...
and until war is obsolete, this will be so
there are causes worth fighting for
causes worth going broke for
fights where the honorable make their stands
we need total war for total peace
the big three and others of power need to band together
tame the lands where the ruthless criminals reign
we must patrol the seas where the pirates roam
take our places as the protectors of mankind
not our natiolality
our nationalities will mean less and less
as we grow to know one another as equals
I feel the rages of the ancient genes of the kings
pushing me out the door with my saber
calling for my horse and riding off to raise and army
the war is not of my wanting
though the bringing down of a tyrant ain't all bad
how does a poet write of other than war
when war seems all pervasive
the perceptions of the polticial trvialize much of this life
told young soldiers to pick up arms and do the unthinkable
asked the ultimate sacrifice of a generation
I have been a traitor
to humankind in a million minor ways.
Littered with my cigarette buts,
spent as little time as possible
thinking about the greenhouse effect as I drove my cab.
Now I command the secret forces of the night
the characters I send out into my readers minds
to wreak havouc on their thinking
What powers god gives the poets
like dna splitting
creating something new
I wish I could tell everyone out there fighting this economy
that I have your bread and warmth
explain how the very arms of heaven are going to reach on down and carry you away
could be
could be
man a man a man
a part of a mythic retelling of mankind
the fashions and styles we will use as our armour
the coat against the cold gusts of heavenly winds
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