How to file a Privacy Act Request
The Essential Elements of a Request Letter
Specify in writing that you wish a copy of records indexed to your name.
Write the Information and Privacy Coordinator, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. 20505.
Transmission via facsimile is also acceptable. The facsimile number is (703)613-3007
Provide your full name and address.
Provide your date and place of birth.
Provide your citizenship status.
Notarize your letter or sign it under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746 to ensure that records concerning you are only released to you, or, if requesting through an attorney, an original notarized statement or statement signed under penalty of perjury (pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746) authorizing us to release information to your attorney.
Sample Privacy Act Request Letter
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Coordinator:
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. section 552a, please furnish me with copies of all records (the Agency does not require you to specify the record system) about me indexed to my name.
To help identify information about me in your record systems, I am providing the following required information:
Full name, current address, date and place of birth, citizenship status.
Optional: Please explain contact, if any, with the Agency or any other information that would help us distinguish between you and other individuals with the same or similar names.
If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific exemption that forms the basis of your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.
Optional: If you have any questions about handling this request, you may telephone me at (home phone) or at my (office phone).
Statement swearing under threat of perjury that above information is true or have the letter notarized.
other blogs where you can read my work include... intro into my murky mind mire
My last blog was shut down by the government. I consider those fairly cool credentials. You will find top secret information peppered throughout my work..... expecially in my books at lulu. This site is devoted to fomenting non violent revolution, as well as the other kind... not in america, for i AM NO TERRORIST. I just believe in taking out Saddam, Mugabe, etc... Can't help it. I am also the scone of the first kings of england, believe it or not... as worthless as the fact is to my life... went to school for five majors, taking only the 3, 4, and 5 level classes, and have a great underground following all over the world.
My qualifications as a writer come from three books, a radio show where I wrote and played various characters, various readings I have hosted around Chicago, and a total commitment to bringing about Change In My Lifetime, or die trying.
Philosophically, I believe that we know very little about the mystical aspects of ourselves, and people who claim to know about this shit, are mostly making up fictions to rationalize their own beliefs, or make money. I also believe that there is God, because I have seen His works in my life. I was an athiest for many years before having some strange, mystical experiences that brought into sharp relief all the other strangely inexplicable things that had happened to me. Including seeing two demonic figures, astral projecting, a meeting with a ghost, living through a couple things that should have killed me -- and indeed have killed everyone else who went through it. I write about that stuff on my blog Waking Up Jesus, which documents an experience I have.
This blog is for the people who have tattood X's on themselves.... the people who understand what is happening here in my apartment in Chicago, and are ready to act when the order comes down.
some of my other blogs...
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