hey....an intro into my murky mind mire

My last blog was shut down by the government. I consider those fairly cool credentials. You will find top secret information peppered throughout my work..... expecially in my books at lulu. This site is devoted to fomenting non violent revolution, as well as the other kind... not in america, for i AM NO TERRORIST. I just believe in taking out Saddam, Mugabe, etc... Can't help it. I am also the scone of the first kings of england, believe it or not... as worthless as the fact is to my life... went to school for five majors, taking only the 3, 4, and 5 level classes, and have a great underground following all over the world.

My qualifications as a writer come from three books, a radio show where I wrote and played various characters, various readings I have hosted around Chicago, and a total commitment to bringing about Change In My Lifetime, or die trying.

Philosophically, I believe that we know very little about the mystical aspects of ourselves, and people who claim to know about this shit, are mostly making up fictions to rationalize their own beliefs, or make money. I also believe that there is God, because I have seen His works in my life. I was an athiest for many years before having some strange, mystical experiences that brought into sharp relief all the other strangely inexplicable things that had happened to me. Including seeing two demonic figures, astral projecting, a meeting with a ghost, living through a couple things that should have killed me -- and indeed have killed everyone else who went through it. I write about that stuff on my blog Waking Up Jesus, which documents an experience I have.

This blog is for the people who have tattood X's on themselves.... the people who understand what is happening here in my apartment in Chicago, and are ready to act when the order comes down.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Johnathon Jackson has been working to save this city, literally, since birth.  He is a Finance Major who knows more about the crises we are in than any expert you talk to.  In 2012, the same balloon payments that bankrupted the middle class and stole their houses, is going to come due for Commercial Loans.  They cannot meet the balloon payments anymore than the housing community could.   Thousands of businesses are supposed to tank.  Johnathon is the man we are going to need to survive this -- Daley and his cronies will just figure out a way to make a few bucks off of this, or sell off the sidewalks to a private concern, or.... well, we all know how they operate.   I urge you to watch Operation Rainbow Push on Saturday mornings at 10am on their site, live, or on television.   Johnathon's astute lectures will convince you I am right.

For too long, the racists have hated the Jacksons', and many in the black community do not think they are radical enough... well, Johnathon is radical enough to make some serious changes.  The hundreds of children killed in our city every year -- more this year than the soldiers who died in Afganistan and Iraq combined, would have the Marines going door to door if this happened in a white hood.  I know only an afra-american mayor will take this as seriously as it should be.   The national guards should have been brought in, if for no other reason than to show the kids that their society cares.

So, please, sign the petition and help Chicago move away from the Machine.   AND add a message for Johnathon.  To learn about his astute mind and sweeping heart and fire, watch him at 10am central time on Rainbow Push.  They are on their website,  local tv channels, etc...  You will hear a professorial explanation of current history spoken in the words of a dynamic poet, and probably the best band in Chicago.  Going down to the actual event on 51st is like seeing Martin Luther King with a great soundtrack.   

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