hey....an intro into my murky mind mire

My last blog was shut down by the government. I consider those fairly cool credentials. You will find top secret information peppered throughout my work..... expecially in my books at lulu. This site is devoted to fomenting non violent revolution, as well as the other kind... not in america, for i AM NO TERRORIST. I just believe in taking out Saddam, Mugabe, etc... Can't help it. I am also the scone of the first kings of england, believe it or not... as worthless as the fact is to my life... went to school for five majors, taking only the 3, 4, and 5 level classes, and have a great underground following all over the world.

My qualifications as a writer come from three books, a radio show where I wrote and played various characters, various readings I have hosted around Chicago, and a total commitment to bringing about Change In My Lifetime, or die trying.

Philosophically, I believe that we know very little about the mystical aspects of ourselves, and people who claim to know about this shit, are mostly making up fictions to rationalize their own beliefs, or make money. I also believe that there is God, because I have seen His works in my life. I was an athiest for many years before having some strange, mystical experiences that brought into sharp relief all the other strangely inexplicable things that had happened to me. Including seeing two demonic figures, astral projecting, a meeting with a ghost, living through a couple things that should have killed me -- and indeed have killed everyone else who went through it. I write about that stuff on my blog Waking Up Jesus, which documents an experience I have.

This blog is for the people who have tattood X's on themselves.... the people who understand what is happening here in my apartment in Chicago, and are ready to act when the order comes down.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Johnathon Jackson has been working to save this city, literally, since birth.  He is a Finance Major who knows more about the crises we are in than any expert you talk to.  In 2012, the same balloon payments that bankrupted the middle class and stole their houses, is going to come due for Commercial Loans.  They cannot meet the balloon payments anymore than the housing community could.   Thousands of businesses are supposed to tank.  Johnathon is the man we are going to need to survive this -- Daley and his cronies will just figure out a way to make a few bucks off of this, or sell off the sidewalks to a private concern, or.... well, we all know how they operate.   I urge you to watch Operation Rainbow Push on Saturday mornings at 10am on their site, live, or on television.   Johnathon's astute lectures will convince you I am right.

For too long, the racists have hated the Jacksons', and many in the black community do not think they are radical enough... well, Johnathon is radical enough to make some serious changes.  The hundreds of children killed in our city every year -- more this year than the soldiers who died in Afganistan and Iraq combined, would have the Marines going door to door if this happened in a white hood.  I know only an afra-american mayor will take this as seriously as it should be.   The national guards should have been brought in, if for no other reason than to show the kids that their society cares.

So, please, sign the petition and help Chicago move away from the Machine.   AND add a message for Johnathon.  To learn about his astute mind and sweeping heart and fire, watch him at 10am central time on Rainbow Push.  They are on their website,  local tv channels, etc...  You will hear a professorial explanation of current history spoken in the words of a dynamic poet, and probably the best band in Chicago.  Going down to the actual event on 51st is like seeing Martin Luther King with a great soundtrack.   

Monday, June 1, 2009


THIS ENTRY WAS ORIGINALLY written for my Waking Up Jesus site, and is written in the character of the Christ.... http"//wakingupjesus.blogspot.com

I just discovered that someone took a post down from this blog. One that was critical of Mayor Daly. The first of two I wrote just before my computer mysteriously could no longer access my internet account. When I called to tell Comcast the problem, they snottily told me that the problem was with my computer, and not theirs. Nothing showed that to be true on my end. I was suspicious at the timing, since I have been knocked off line before by the government and the other forces that oppose me. After writing this critical article, I saw people protesting downtown that Daly needed to be removed, and the two newspapers in town started a clean government campaign.

I forget sometimes that my words are so potent. They make an enemy of me at their own peril. The Daly administration is now on my list of entractable powers that need to be kicked the hell out of politics.

I do not care how strong they think they are... a simple, unending litany of the sins of this administration should be enough to drive the king con out of power.

The audacity of these people is matched only by their short sightedness; this is a system of law we live in that despite its faults, is ever-evolving. And we are evolving toward fairness -- the more people who demand it, the sooner it happens. The inter-net generation is not going to fall for the usual scams, simply because they will access to a diverse set of opinions to take their own from.

And people will look for other people to treat them fairly, and will act adversly to those who do not. Daly has set about launching a hell of a lot of unfair agreements with developers and god knows who else -- the most recent being the selling off of the parking meters in Chicago to an inside group for a huge discount that would not have survived being played out in the free market. He hid what he was doing until the lastt minute, then shoved it through.

He needs secrecy to survive. He can blow off all the reporters he wants at press conferences, but he cannot so easily blow off the voters.

The Democrats have to be ready to replace him with someone who is nationally known, and respected. Jessie or Johnathon Jackson should take a stab at the fat round baffoon. Sooner or later, someone is going to knock him out of power.., and since he has decided to fight me, you should expect this to be sooner rather than later.

Cleaning up the world has been my concern. Now I AM ready to put a razor focus on this Criminal. He rose from a family that bestows rights without qualifications. Think about that. Chicago politics, for most of their existence, have been run by people who looked at their core constituents as people who they had bought with jobs. You do not necessarily get the best people when any chump off the street who likes to take the easy way out is hired. This is part of why they are always ending up in jail.

Daly wants to come on my site and take down my criticism of him, ... that is a drum roll from their side that we at war. WITH A HEAVY HEART, I HAVE GATHERED MY WEAPONS FOR WAR AND RODE OUT TO MEET THE ONE WHO OPPRESSORS MYPEOPLE.

I am always sad to see someone is my enemy, though I knew as much when he double dealed with the cops on their raise. Chicago cops have a hellish job at times. They have made a lot of mistakes, as humans do, but like soldiers, they deserve every forgiveness for cracking under the pressure of protecting the public -- that is a natural reaction to having to do shit people would otherwise prefer to avoid all to hell. I do not want to romanticize cops. TV does that enough. Still, they deserve some respect for putting their lives on the line to protect society from predators. I am not saying they should be let off for crimes -- indeed, they should prosecuted to the full extent off the law, because part of your oath as a cop is to the law. When they break the law, they are no longer a cop. They may have the badge, etc... but then they are just another enemy of the people. Like Burge.

Torture is in right now in the highest rooms of this country, and in a lot of countries getting beat up by the cops and tortured into a confession is routine. I can understand the impulse. I also know that I would never give in to it. I have left JOBS where they asked me tell lies -- because I will lie for my own purposes, like everyone does, but when I am asked to lie for someone else, I am entering a conspiracy to protect another from what is obviously going to be criminal behavior, and that is uncompatible with most of my ethics (God knows I break unfair laws, but stealing from people, etc... is beyond my moral understanding -- I could not live with myself when I am acting immoral. My depressive side takes over. This is why I gave up the drinking.).

I need people like cops more than I need a Daly. I have a vast capacity to rally people, unprecedented in human history... which is exactly what has been prepared for the RETURN OF CHRIST. Like the people who immediatly left office when I wrote a poem about how the mighty will fall before this Christ.... Daly would be better off planning on getting out at his next attempt at re-election, though I suspect he is like Cheney, and will defy the people's rights to a choice in what their politicians do until the very end... when he learns that the people usually get what they want in the end, simply because there are more of them and time and society tend to work like that, or there never would have been such a thing as Democracy, and the entire world would by now be run by one king, who if he were a Hitler, would gas his enemies. Or a Cheney, who would send out his hit squad.

Daly is the face on a vast conspiracy of crime that has invaded politics and found a welcome home in a club that only the vastly wealthy or influential can even enter. Politics in this city has become a means of passing along a corrupt dynasty. We should be better people than this... we can be. The choice truly is ours, not Daly's..

Bring it on Dick, I will defeat you and take your soul to Hell. Ready to take the great gamble?

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

confestions of a traitor

I am battling a bit of myself

killing off some good
some bad
bits of this and that

A Generals words can have men killed
conjour the mythic gods of war
allow them to inhabit the faithful
My words of violence and war played up the magic of the recruiters spiel

Christoper Hitchens is right
not all blood is shed in vain

no, not all blood...

and until war is obsolete, this will be so

there are causes worth fighting for
causes worth going broke for
fights where the honorable make their stands

we need total war for total peace
the big three and others of power need to band together
tame the lands where the ruthless criminals reign

we must patrol the seas where the pirates roam
take our places as the protectors of mankind
not our natiolality

our nationalities will mean less and less
as we grow to know one another as equals

I feel the rages of the ancient genes of the kings
pushing me out the door with my saber
calling for my horse and riding off to raise and army

the war is not of my wanting
though the bringing down of a tyrant ain't all bad

how does a poet write of other than war
when war seems all pervasive
the perceptions of the polticial trvialize much of this life

told young soldiers to pick up arms and do the unthinkable

asked the ultimate sacrifice of a generation

I have been a traitor
to humankind in a million minor ways.
Littered with my cigarette buts,

spent as little time as possible
thinking about the greenhouse effect as I drove my cab.

Now I command the secret forces of the night
the characters I send out into my readers minds
to wreak havouc on their thinking

What powers god gives the poets

like dna splitting
creating something new

I wish I could tell everyone out there fighting this economy
that I have your bread and warmth
explain how the very arms of heaven are going to reach on down and carry you away

could be
could be

man a man a man

a part of a mythic retelling of mankind

the fashions and styles we will use as our armour
the coat against the cold gusts of heavenly winds

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Monday, October 27, 2008

operation push... where did the radicals go?

Most of my black friends think Jessie Jackson is a sell out. White people think he is too radical. He marched with King, and He also knew the panthers. WHEN THE FBI PLAYED THEIR MIND GAMES ON THE PANTHER'S, AND DROVE THEM INTO TAKING UP GUNS, HE MADE THE CHOICE OF HIS HERO'S HERO.... MAHATMA GHANDI.

Now, yesterday, Rev. Jackson had Todd Stroger (who I have despised in the past because of his inadequate treatment of Cook Country, where they gave me my life back. There would be no books or paintings without the pain clinic there being smart enough to treat me, while still keeping me off narcotics.... I have seen the devastation narcotics addictions do to people who are in Chronic Pain. The doctors all think we are addicts or something, and the people around me, who I am careful not to bitch about my pain around, seem to think I am healthy.,

When you have had like six back surgeries and have had your spine rebuilt by a surgery they no longer do because parts of your spine break off and drift around, hitting things like my cyotic nerve (which a doctor fused between two bones.. the neurologist who fixed the assinine orth (never go to these kind of doctors because they deserve to die for the way they treat people; they told me pain is all in the mind, and he treats bones... and without pain pills I could not work, support myself with the cab driving, have to quit going to school... do you think he cared? No, because he has his opinion of poor people and folk who are not doctors and lawyers... I will beat his ass if I ever see him again. I have a list of people I have to avoid because that will mean a long court case and prison (which is nothing that scares this old boy... I mean, if I ever find out I am dying of cancer or just getting too old to care, I am going to gun down some mo fo's for sure; DEATH WISH AND JERAMIAH JOHNSON and dexter all rolled into one... except I will not try to get away after my list is done.... the world would be a lot better place if people looked at their death as an oportunity to make the future better... ALSO, I WILL KILL NOT COPS OR INNOCENTS. PERIOD. RATHER GET CAUUGHT). nOW of course the arguement against this is, who I am to decide who is to live and die.

Well, check the lists of child molestors in your hood, find out which ones are true predator and not some nineteen year old who had a seventeen year old girlfriend. You have to have this list well researched. There is no paying enough for certain crimes. Rape of a child or a woman are both in the range, but we cannot trust the courts on such things. Sometimes innocent folk go to jail for this shit

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Friday, October 24, 2008

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http://secretposse.com-Please picture yourself walking through a brisk winter morning in 1775 Boston, going to a friendly pub for an eye opener and a bit of breakfest.. you pay heavy taxes and don't even get a decent wooden sidewalk over the muddy streets. You've been feeling sick of the world for sometime, but what could one person do??? If you spoke up they would throw you in a crazy hospital or jail or worse.... but on this fine morning you see on the walls and poles and doorways, someone has snuck in during the night and put up broadsides calling for a revolution. You read the words and they stir you like a lover. You go home and get your gun, head out into the field...inspired finally to be free. The free you have dreamt of... you lust to finally fight off the oppressor's so your children can live in a truly free land.---------------------------------------------

politcal correctness makes sense.... a neo con campaign against it worked

BELOW IS AN ARTICLE ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN EGYPT. Taken from the san fracisco chronicle... which I read when i was out there, and then when I moved back to Toledo, where the notoriously insane and fascist Block Family controls one of the most influential papers in the mid west THE TOLEDO BLADE. I actually meant the founder of the paper in a pscyh ward... after having a suicidal bout. He was being spoon fed by his latest trophy wife, and she looked disgustedl His son, who ran the paper after that, got picked up in my can one day and I asked him why he got rid of Bloom County, and he said in this nasty voice that excuded reptilian power, Because I don't like it."

One of my best buddies is an editor at that paper, and his background was in military intelligence before going to work for this conservative rag. Such things used to seem like co-incidences to me until I majored in Military Intelligence, and then had a few of them checking me out to see if I was working against them.

Sexual Harrassment in my presence will get your ass kicked. Period.

My ex was a sexual harassment expert at a well known university. People make fun of this shit -- say political correctness is some kind of scam against their freedom. Yet, when you look at the full dark side of what this kind of harassment can lead to, you see why the feminist are so hostile on this issue.

I used to drive cab, and these frat boys were always yelling out the window at women, which scared the hell out of them. I would tell them this, and they were all shocked... to their credit, most quit after they heard this.

I am kind of on a Muslim rant of sort here, and I want to say that I do not mean anything negative against Allah or his followers. If they want to live on reservations somewhere where they brain wash their kids into their way of thinking, hey, that is what America was founded for.... but when they try to come for my freedoms, or tell me to shut up, we have a big fucking problem.

Tourist finds sexual harassment common in Egypt

Lynn Doan

Sunday, October 19, 2008
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Just one kiss, he says, waving five Egyptian pounds at me.

One kiss on the mouth, and he'll give me the equivalent of a dollar. I am walking through a bazaar in Cairo when I realize that sexual harassment has no limits here.

* Tourist finds sexual harassment common in Egypt 10.19.08
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* A requiem: Tourism swamps Asia's unique, remote places 10.05.08
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More Departures »

One man says he wants to marry me. Another grabs me by the arm and asks my name. A few simply yell, "China," and hope I'll turn around - I'm Asian, but not Chinese.

Harassment in Italy is notorious. But the catcalls I experienced in Venice and Rome pale in comparison to the shockingly sexual statements and shameless groping my roommate and I endured in Egypt.

This isn't to say we didn't expect it. After all, U.S. travel officials warn female citizens that they are "vulnerable to sexual harassment and verbal abuse" when traveling unescorted in Egypt. In a survey released by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights over the summer, 98 percent of foreign women and 83 percent of Egyptian women reported that they'd been sexually harassed in the country.

So we prepared. I spent nearly $200 on attire for the weeklong vacation, stocking up on long-sleeved shirts and ankle-length hippie skirts. We learned the Egyptian word for "No" - it's laa. I packed a pair of sunglasses to avoid eye contact, a scarf to cover my curves and a hat to cover my long hair when necessary.

Physically, we were prepared. Mentally, not so much. If you're a woman planning to travel alone or with other women to explore truly one of the most amazing civilizations in ancient history, I hope you pay heed.

We booked a room at the Paris Hotel Cairo hostel for our first night in Egypt and were very impressed when the hostel owner himself picked us up from the airport, stopped to buy us breakfast and then arranged our tour through the pyramids of Giza.

So when we returned from an awe-inspiring tour on camelback, we assumed that his invitation to join him for a beer on the hostel balcony was an extension of this top-notch hospitality. Over bottles of Stella Artois, we talked about his life in Egypt and our lives in the United States. We were advised by friends who've traveled the country to say we were married - my roommate had even bought a fake engagement ring for the occasion - but we figured we could trust the owner of our hostel when he asked.

He casually began detailing his sex life, describing a few of his more unusual fetishes. My roommate and I exchanged uncomfortable looks when he asked if we liked "to be kissed on the bum." I came out of the experience physically unscathed, but my roommate was apparently subjected to some rather aggressive advances while I was in the bathroom.

That day, we paid for camel rides in Giza. According to a tour book, some guides will try to climb onto the back of the camel and ride with you. "Don't allow this to happen," it read. Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular tourist resort along the Red Sea, is always swamped with European tourists, so we went fairly unnoticed in that part of the country. We were able to shed our long-sleeved shirts for a day and sunbathe.

Still, one local refused to walk away after we repeatedly turned down his offers to massage us. At one point, he abruptly took off my hat and tried to rub my head.

After our brief trip to Sharm El-Sheikh, we headed to Luxor and toured the ruins of some of the most breathtaking ancient Egyptian temples and tombs, including that of King Tutankhamun, in the country. We then heeded the advice of every tour book and paid for a short felucca ride down the Nile.

This turned into a much longer ride than expected, with two local sailors who not only pawed at us but spent 10 minutes trying to kiss us and lure us back to their flat, where we "could all drink alcohol and have sex time." The two didn't actually begin to set sail back until we told them our guide was waiting for us on land and would notice if we weren't back within five minutes.

My roommate said one of the men actually shoved her lips against his as she climbed off the boat.

These were some of the more disturbing experiences we had, but they are not the only ones. We were followed by men on the streets and my roommate, who is blond and blue-eyed, was an obvious target for unwanted attention.

So as I walked through that bazaar in Cairo on my last day in Egypt, I was not nearly as surprised as I should've been when solicited for a kiss. Neither did it surprise me much when a hand reached out and groped my butt.

I turned around but, of course, nobody took responsibility.

Some people might say we were lucky. Video clips of women being molested by mobs of men on the streets of Egypt have made their way onto YouTube in recent years, and some local women say they are sexually harassed several times a day.

I hate to say this, but I wish I had been traveling with a man.

To women traveling to Egypt, I say: Be wary. Cover up. And mentally prepare yourself to accept a culture that is more tolerant of sexual harassment then your own.

Lynn Doan is a writer for the Hartford Courant, where this essay first appeared. To comment, visit sfgate.com/travel and follow the links.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

people used to think I was crazy when I told them I was being bugged. That military intelligence training don't lie, buddy

NSA Caught Spying on Our Own Military

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Anthony D. Romero, ACLU
to me

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We are Constitution Voters

It’s time...

...candidates talk
about warrantless NSA spying on innocent Americans, including military personnel
and international
relief workers.

Email debate moderator Bob Schieffer, and tell him to ask the candidates about warrantless NSA spying on innocent Americans, including military personnel and international relief workers.

Dear ACLU Supporter,

Tomorrow night, at the last debate, one thing we can be sure of is that Barack Obama and John McCain will go out of their way to tell us how much they respect America's fighting men and women. There's a simple test that moderator Bob Schieffer can use to see if they mean it.

He can ask them how and when they plan to put an end to our government's ineffective and unnecessary spying on the personal phone calls of innocent Americans, including the phone calls of military personnel serving far away from home.

Late last week, two whistle-blowers -- former National Security Agency (NSA) military intercept operators -- the people who actually listen in on phone calls -- revealed that hundreds of innocent Americans, including soldiers and humanitarian workers for the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders, were routinely and intentionally eavesdropped on.

It's hard to think of a more insulting way to disrespect those serving our nation and the world overseas than intruding on their personal, sometimes intimate, phone calls back home.

Email Bob Schieffer, and tell him to ask the candidates about warrantless NSA spying on innocent Americans, including military personnel and international relief workers. (Clicking on this link will open up a new window in your browser.)

Anyone vying to be our next Commander in Chief should have a ready answer. The only way to stop this reckless spying is to make sure the NSA does not have unchecked spying power. That is why the ACLU is challenging the FISA Amendments Act with our Amnesty International v. McConnell lawsuit brought on behalf of an impressive array of journalists, human rights organizations and lawyers.

This misguided law -- rushed through a timid pre-election Congress -- gives the government nearly unfettered access to the international phone calls of Americans without any meaningful judicial oversight. Such unchecked and unaccountable power is an outrage and essentially authorizes mass, suspicionless, warrantless spying -- exactly what the ACLU has been fighting to undo since the Bush administration began its illegal warrantless spying program in 2005. Last week’s revelations about NSA spying on our troops and international relief workers makes painfully clear that our government has run amok, spying on innocent Americans while claiming to be spying only on suspected terrorists.

The American people deserve to know whether our next President is committed to bring out-of-control eavesdropping to an end.

Send a message to Mr. Schieffer.

The men and women serving in the military make so many sacrifices for our country. They leave home for months -- even years -- at a time. They put themselves in harm's way, and some of them never return home at all. It is unconscionable that our government has turned their most intimate phone calls into fodder for the amusement of NSA spies.

That's exactly what's happened according to the NSA whistle-blowers' reports. Tomorrow night, Bob Schieffer can ask a simple question and let the candidates tell the American public exactly how they are planning on bringing out-of-control government spying to an end.

Please send a message to Mr. Schieffer today.

The ACLU is leading the fight to stop out-of-control eavesdropping, and we will not yield until we bring this reckless spying to an end. Please stand with us today.

In defense of freedom,
Anthony D. Romero
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director

P.S. The debate happens tomorrow night. Help to ensure Bob Schieffer asks about this critical issue. Please pass this along to five friends, and take time to send Mr. Schieffer a message right away.

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