I want to see through the lies
knowthe forked toungues
acknowlege the native american contracts will dissolve into worthless dust
before land owners will undertand all land is Gods
Everywhere now hear of the great awakening
something is happening. My personal story is filled with miracles
I could show them to you
no... I am on the governments watchlist and they will do anything
to keep my message quiet
they know I am the wild card'
the trigger finger
the general of an army you can't begin to track down
You found me long ago
have used me for your purposes
the time has come for forgiveness
If you fear my wrath so keep quiet until I am dead
In case you don't know.... I made myself known as Christ last year, and much to my surprise the pope and bush came to my side. I had no idea what to do with that shit.
This is the story of how I am evolving into the creature of savage grace that has been sent to this world to.... I am not sure. Armeggoden or a thousand years of peace. I prefer to think of the later.
There ain't no easy out
I will stand my ground
and I won't back down
johnny cash
I do not wantanyone to pray to me, especially because some jehova witnesses started a cult or two about my wakingyupjesus site.
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